CMC Christo Province Indore
About Us
Go from your country and your kindred and father’s house to the land that I will show you .”(Gen.12:1).Way back in 1965 Trissurian in the soil of Madhya Pradesh, the first mission station Pavanathma Convent Burhanpur was started as the first child of CMC Nirmala Province.Burning with the zeal for love of the Master could not prevent the pioneer misionaries the rigorous climate, problem of language, culture etc. They sowed the seed, which sprouted in time, spreading its branches to different parts of Madhyapradesh. More and more missionaries willingly came forward to serve in areas where the message of Christ and his love had not reached. In 1977 when the bifrication of Nirmala Province took place, Jai Christo Province was formed in Palakkad and mission area of Indore, and Jhabua came under Jai Christo Province. It was Mother Chrisantha the then provincial of Jai Christo Province who vissioned the future of this mission and started a mission center for all the missionaries in the mission and entrusted Sr. Jossina & Sr. Sanitas the task of formation of a Regional house. Having seven convents and 50 members. Thus Sr. Jossina was appointed as mission superior in 1990-1992 and mother Edward the provincial, Jai Christo province appointed appointed Sr. Sanitas in 1992-1995 as mission superior. Their tireless work and effort, for the formation of this region with cooperation of the provincial council and all the sisters in this mission. It was on second February 1995 that the long cherished dream of Jai Christo of palakad came true, when the general council sanctioned the petition forwarded by the provincial council. The new region “ Christo Region” was officially inaugurated on 23rd June 1995 by Sr. Rosula , the assistant Superior General. On this solemn occasion Rt.Rev.Dr. George Anathil, the Bishop of Indore and Rt. Rev. Dr. Abraham Viruthukulangara, the Bishop of Khandwa and along with the priest and relegious celebrated the Holy Eucharist, invoking God’s showers blessings on the members and the houses of the Region. Sr. Mary Livina was appointed as the first Region Superior and she was succeeded by Sr.Sajeeva, Sr.Tesly and Sr.Roslin .
Under the shadow of the Most High the CMC of Indore Mission spread out its branches by our presence and witnessing in the Risen Lord through the ministry of Education, Healing, faith formation and Social work in the three diocese of Indore, khandwa and Jabua. On 22nd March 2016 the region has been raised to the status of Vice-Province by the Suprior General Sr. Siby. Then the first Vice-Provincial Synaxis elected Sr. Roslin as the Vice –Provincial. The 8th renewal General Synaxis raised to the status of Province and sr.Roslin continued as the first Provincial. Now the Provincial team and members move towards God with the burning zeal for Christ and His Mission. The CMC daughters of Christo trying to live out the charism of our founding Fathers through contemplation and action. The sisters dedicate themselves for the service of His people respective of cast, creed and religion and are engaged in ministry of Education, Healing, faith formation and Social welfare activities according to the needs of the people of the locality. Christo looks forward with hope trusting in the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus to guide, protect and makes her useful instrument to spread the Good News where ever we are.